nyshyguy6901.24 2021 : Ohh it is e.. But it tries to maintain the façade of bring legit. Just unknown if it is more then just a HE joint.
imnewhere6912.31 2020 : can anyone confiHM or deny whether it’s a e. parlor?
nyshyguy6912.31 2020 : New spa open less than 2 months. Converted residential house. Right next door to Heaven Spa. Very mixed message setup. Main reception are looks to have a private room attached. Then proceed into a main room with 3 highly cushioned relaxing tables like one would find in a legit Asian foot spa. Then another private room. Finally exit out a separate door thru a room set up for couples massage.
Ohh it is e.. But it tries to maintain the façade of bring legit. Just unknown if it is more then just a HE joint.