darkhairlover03.05 2016 : One day they were there, the next day not. Anyone know why they closed down?
darkhairlover02.23 2016 : cameronveil: if Cupertino is not too far for you, go to Longevity Foot Spa
cameronveil02.22 2016 : i saw that,too. such a disappointment!
anyone know of another place in the area with a decent massage for $40/hr offers HE?
jimporn66602.11 2016 : Everything is gone. Noticed earlier this week. Nothing inside and no sign saying where they went
jackmehoff01.23 2016 : Can anyone please confiHM if Sophia is still working here?? Natural asian Ds are tough to find you know...thanks
darkhairlover01.12 2016 : uniteddude: My experience does not match yours. See my review posted today.
darkhairlover01.10 2016 : uniteddude: very interesting. it's been about 4 weeks since i've been in here.. i'm going to have to go and check it out and see if what you say is true.
uniteddude01.09 2016 : The girls that used to do HE are no longer here. I guess something happened with change in management. Won't be back.
darkhairlover11.17 2015 : this place is labeled as non-e.? you gotta be kidding
jimporn66610.23 2015 : is Sasa still around? the other girls are great but... she's my girl
ibadmonkey6910.13 2015 : Lisa is cute and does a very nice ending to the visit.
dubs201507.01 2015 : Tiffany is a young girl and doesn't have crazy hair, but certainly knows how to take care of you. There was one named Amy who left to LA about a month ago, but she wasn't that crazy with HJ.
mcdub6906.13 2015 : I think her name was Tiffany, I was also surprised of how good she was... Moving to LA would explain why I haven't been able to find her again...
darkhairlover05.26 2015 : Not giving a full review because I don't remember her name and she friggin doesn't work there anymore, but back at the beginning of April I went in and saw a new lady. Chinese woman, she was stylishly dressed and had kind of crazy hair. The awesome thing was, she started out with a HJ, and then about 5 minutes into it, she started sucking and I didn't even ask her to do it. She went back to doing a HJ, so I thought she was going to finish like this. But I was about to cum, she put her mouth back on, sucked me off and swallowed. Fuck, I love slutty women and this was slutty even by AMP standards. So I told her I was going out of town for a couple weeks, and I would come back and see her. Well, damn it all to shit, when I got back the owner said she doesn't work there anymore, she had moved to L.A. with her husband or some shit.
rrriiicccooo03.17 2015 : To Jrason71- how is it that your 2 comments were posted on the same day. One says you haven't been there before, the other says Lucy is the best in your opinion. To have an opinion, you would have to have been there.
One day they were there, the next day not. Anyone know why they closed down?