len5008.04 2015 : Some read and some don't. Some owners read and put up fake reviews. Physical description does help us to realize when the sp is doing a bait and switch. This happens a lot. E.g. A monger makes an appt for jane because he read on HM that she provides good service and she is about 25yo and a spinner type with long hair. Mms on the the phone says yes she is available come in. The monger gets there and mms puts him in a room. SP comes in starts massaging he looks at her and notices she is over 40 with short hair and a little heavy. He asks are you Jane? She says yes. Well he has never seen her before. He may think it's another Jane. And go ahead with the massage. In reality the Jane he wanted doesn't work there anymore or she is not working that day. Mms and SP are lying about who is Jane. Classic bait and switch.
tango5708.03 2015 : I am certain that rub maps is a daily read for these AMPs. I am certain that names change quickly
. When you ask for a girl by name they know you have been cruzin happymaps, Asians ain't dumb and are cautious.
A better psysical description of the provider would probably be better than names at this point.
hotrod896101.30 2015 : I am sure I could have gotten it today. She let me do anything I wanted but I just let her jerk me off. She let me pull down her pants, rub her pussy, suck on her titties. She never stopped me from doing anything at all. Even rubbed her asshole while I had her pants down. I do think she was turned on by my body. She even mentioned it and the fact that I am hairless on my groin and balls. She said she doesn't like hair.
lucablight2704.15 2014 : Has anyone got full service here at all, to much ?????
Some read and some don't. Some owners read and put up fake reviews. Physical description does help us to realize when the sp is doing a bait and switch. This happens a lot. E.g. A monger makes an appt for jane because he read on HM that she provides good service and she is about 25yo and a spinner type with long hair. Mms on the the phone says yes she is available come in. The monger gets there and mms puts him in a room. SP comes in starts massaging he looks at her and notices she is over 40 with short hair and a little heavy. He asks are you Jane? She says yes. Well he has never seen her before. He may think it's another Jane. And go ahead with the massage. In reality the Jane he wanted doesn't work there anymore or she is not working that day. Mms and SP are lying about who is Jane. Classic bait and switch.