windracer2406.20 2023 : This is a sting. It is a prostitute sting at a house .
vudumagic196804.23 2023 : can someone post the actual address they send you to after the redirection message from 35 and everman? I've been looking up from memory on the map but am having trouble finding it.
alivanareg01.18 2023 : How can I get access to these incredible women? Is it still active? There hasn't been any updates recently
vudumagic196812.23 2020 :
It is a regular house... they send you to that intersection and you text them for future directions... not sure why... maybe to be sure they are done to let the client leave w/o being seen...
DONT GO... one ad looked like a hot hispanic girl... she turned out overly plump and was obviously not there to please.... I want a girl that is there to give me attention, focusing on me, making me feel special. None of that here.
Another girl at another time turned out to be pregnant, but was wearing clothes to hide it...
DO NOT GO HERE... save your $$ and your time.
tragon02.27 2020 : Don’t waste your time looking for the place in the photo because there is no place like that anywhere near the intersection of I-35 and Everman pkwy. Somebody just submitted a random photo so they could get a free month of happymaps, I think this place is actually supposed to be in a regular house somewhere in the area.
raydolla01.20 2020 : You have to text first. Then they'll give you an address.
tragon12.15 2019 : Where is this place, is it on everman road or south freeway? I’ve looked all around at the intersection, there’s nothing there but gas stations, restaurants, and a titty bar. Got an address?
This is a sting. It is a prostitute sting at a house .