prashant.nm07.12 2022 : Anyone know where Judy is now? She used to work here
asia40808.21 2018 : Ampdog and I knew this would happen.the fake reviews are leading LE to the shop where violations and citations are given. Fair warning...more to come soon.
rocko22008.20 2018 : This shop is closed. Phone number is disconnected and the doors are locked and no lights on. 8/20/18
ampdog08.16 2018 : As asia408 and I have said, keep up the reviews and you'll sign the death warrant. Sayonara NH
sexynuknowit05.28 2018 : Moon from cuties works here now. She’s a babe. Try to make appointments early as possible. They are hella busy at night.
happyman4me10.01 2017 : Thie 1hr increased to $45 an hour just fyi
bchbm08.15 2016 : Kim and Kimberly are 2 different girls. Kim opened Kim Ahn on Tully. Kimberly is heavier, but does a very nice massage.
cooldave04.04 2016 : Kim/Kimberly is a bore! Nothing offered. She's a prude. Don't waste your time with her. Most of the other girls will provide HE.
hotmailtwo09.16 2015 : "Are you allowed to touch here"? Kind of a strange question. Read the disclaimers on the walls in the room. The owner sticks to that strickly.
pdicks09.10 2015 : are you allowed to touch here? The massage seemed halfway between a legit massage and a HE place and she kind of put my hand on her body, but I was a bit wary because the place seemed too legit and professional to be grabbing their asses.
mother.hen08.05 2015 : How much are standard tips here? 10 for 40 house (60min) seems standard for legit CMT massage.
rms_122502.12 2015 : Is the lily here the same CMT who does the split leg message like Van and used to work at DD and then Dang Ngoc? She left for Boston for a while... lilycmt?
sw100606.09 2014 : I highly recommend Diana. She is quite attractive with a sexy body and very soft thighs that make for a pleasurable Asian cowgirl-style back and body massage, with her toes lightly tickling my aHM pits when she went reverse Asian cowgirl to massage my calves and ankles. She also does some nice back-walking. Now that Vi has left Black Tigers due to a shoulder injury, I think Diana will be my new regular masseuse.
helloabc12.29 2013 : Anyone know where Lina (tall) and Mi (short, speak perfect English) from here went to?
rty1004.10 2013 : i visited here yesterday.
It was a great experience,but no extra service. it is a good place for a regular massage.
Anyone know where Judy is now? She used to work here