mtom20107.25 2012 : I stopped by last month. I spoke with both women (both of whom had great bodies), but left in a hurry. The place is a dump.
mighty_spearsman01.03 2012 : This place used to be Asian only, however a couple of years ago they switched to offer both American girls and Asian (Korean). There's usually only two girls on duty, and the girls are rotated every 2 weeks.
I haven't been here since the switch-over, but have read/heard several complaints about the drop in service, especially about the American girls. Supposedly the American girls all come from spas in Texas where the noHM is 30 minutes of quick FS, not the typical 1-hour with table shower and near-GFE that one receives from a good AMP in CT.
I stopped by last month. I spoke with both women (both of whom had great bodies), but left in a hurry. The place is a dump.