chopsticks6108.09 2022 : This place is under new management after being shut down for awhile. The Grand Opening features it as "Q Summer Spa". Looks like a good place to visit again without harassment.
latitude408.02 2022 : prostate massage seems to be common with most reviews here, can someone confiHM if this is the go to place in Stockton for prostate massage?
diceman2707.22 2021 : Anyone know where Malina went? One of the best I ever experienced for a full release.
krafael20911.11 2018 : Good place deep tissue relaxing, love Asain massage
504boi06.10 2018 : This was well worth it. Will definitely be returning
schedoni02.19 2018 : Does anyone know if Coco is Cindy's younger sister? They have similar personalities and look alike. I have not been to Dancing Fingers in a while, is Cindy (using different names) still running that place?
cliff194605.24 2017 : I'm going to miss this place. I had been a regular since they first opened. Cindy was my favorite. Only place I had ever been where they would climb up on the table, with their pants down for a HJ.
joker1912.20 2016 : Has any one seen anna there anymore ? I haven't seen her in that place anymore best looking girl and good massage
regiusco108.20 2015 : Has any one ever got more then a hi from Tiffany? I never had Cindy but I know Tiffany is worth it
schedoni07.04 2015 : I would recommend that a 21 year old handsome young man not waste money at AMPs. You should be able to meet attractive women in an authentic manner without paying for it. If you are into Asian milfs try going to the gym or taking a Yoga class and meeting them there. The majority of women in their mid thirties and forties (without a ring on their finger) are flattered when a young handsome man pays attention to them.
You are too young and this hobby is too expensive. Enjoy your youth and leave this hobby until you are older and wealthier. Your youth is a more powerful currency than cash, and a full relationship with a civilian will bring more happiness than the fleeting pleasures of paying for these girls.
loveasiangrannyz07.03 2015 : I am 21 year old guy and I love eating mature Asian kitty. Thing is it can be expensive any tips. I really want one of these Asian kittys to be my discreet lover. I look handsome after all. Just have a thing for mature Asian kittys. Any tips or help. Been here once and I liked it but to expensive to go back.
schedoni06.28 2015 : I have not seen Cindy in a couple months, it could be a different "Cindy" that you are seeing. What do you mean by "better service"? Usually good manners and better tipping equals better service.
loveasiangrannyz06.27 2015 : Can someone tell me how to get better service from cindy
sexxxxaddicted04.04 2015 : If it's first time getting massage and would want HE what would I say to the lady in front ? That I want full body massage ? Or does this just happen if the one giving massage wants it to happen ?
schedoni03.26 2015 : Cindy is very cute, best depends on your taste. Does Cindy offer more than a HJ?
This place is under new management after being shut down for awhile. The Grand Opening features it as "Q Summer Spa". Looks like a good place to visit again without harassment.