dbkoosk10.17 2014 : anyone know where the Russian girl Veronika went to? Saw her many times ~2 years ago but lost contact when the place got busted, shame.
bendtap04.30 2014 : Anyone know where the girl Helen that used to work here is at now?
dac_biet_cock10.18 2013 : Such irony here. The gal wouldn't offer extra service to me, a legit customer. But instead offer it to an undercover cop. Hilarious. I was even persistent too, but she was pretty fiHM on her stance.
biennial10.18 2013 : I drove by here. The neon signs are on. I tried calling and it went to the message. Is is it really closed?
cintuit10.10 2013 : So who complained and got the Campbell PD to do a sting operation at this place..
First Angeline's, now this place.. Very sad....
uturn06.15 2013 : They bumped the 1/2 hour to $50. Don't know about the hour.
paradoxsj04.25 2013 : there are popular Persian and Japanese restaurants to the left and right of the salon. many people do take out and wait in there car for the food to be ready.
mccann04.24 2013 : What the fuck is up with the parking lot this place is in? This massage parlor is located off the street with buildings in front, perfect for discrete parking and entrance because no one can see you. But, every time I go here there's shit-tons of people just parked in parking lot sitting in their cars. Families too. It's really annoying. I don't like an audience when I go into these establishments, and there has been more than one time I've left without ever getting out of my car due to all the people quite literally camped out in the parking lot. This weekend is an excellent example, I tried going there on Sunday, early evening, and I counted six cars parked with people just sitting inside. Two of which were entire families. WTF???
408dizzle03.09 2013 : Same experience as Imreadyfortheending with mimi.. Ok massage.. As I was leaving saw a much younger cuter girl , id go back to see her..3 * * *
imready4theending02.18 2013 : Iv'e been here 5 times and I always get a HE and the ladies let there nice tities hang into my mouth while they get me off. Highly recommended. Don't use a charge card, pay cash only.
suma12312.14 2011 : Don't waste your time here. Lame massage and no HE.
MILF employees.
anyone know where the Russian girl Veronika went to? Saw her many times ~2 years ago but lost contact when the place got busted, shame.