nepo.bronny07.07 2017 : It's been a couple of years, but does anyone know where Jen went?
tarantula6110.24 2015 : I went by 3 weeks ago, and I was told they were remodeling. Went by this week, and they were straight up closed. Anyone have any info on when they're going to re-open?
taxartiste08.19 2015 : gatsy78, ever heard the saying if a man is hungry and you feed him, he is fed for one day and if you teach him to fish or faHM he is fed for a lifetime.
Put in some time, do some reading and you'll have the answers to your questions.
Have fun.
great_gatsby08.18 2015 : Hey bigbadjj, I am new to the scene and seeking a fs kind of place. is angie hot?old?
bigbadjj08.04 2015 : Looks like Angie gives fs for 100 here and she is the best one. any other cool thin Asian chicks here that are good for the price?
acuradreamer02.27 2015 : I've been here four times. I got three older Koreans and an older latina. I would rate 6 out of 10 for all four. If your looking for hot young talent I would look else where.
notasianlol02.23 2015 : Can someone please rate the girls that work here. Thanks
dustoffxl11.13 2013 : Fuzz asking questions around this place.
siggystratten10.05 2013 : They don't take credit cards. They don't take credit cards.
It's been a couple of years, but does anyone know where Jen went?