frostloins04.06 2017 : This place got raided yesterday, it is right across from the westminister civic center.
Saw it as I headed home from work...
hinh06.10 2015 : Yes before Thay at GG and McFadden now they move to Westminster don't go there all the old and ugly women
theblueshell05.22 2015 : The girl who opened the door is not the masseuse. Which is a bummer because she was much better, in terms of look and body.
If you're the only customer, I'm sure the massage will be fine, if not, it will be rushed as there are other customers to tend to. But you do get sort of an actual massage. "Relief" is available.
yugo12.01 2014 : I thought this was just a replay of the long standing BeBe Spa formerly located on McFadden in GG?? Based on remarks it sounds like these girls are from a different place i.e. not the old BeBe? Thanks!
TheEnglishmen06.30 2014 : For the discreet connoisseur of the birds...there is plenty of parking in the rear with a back door access to this lovely shop...has three rooms, most of the walls have gaps at the top with solid bloody curtains here mates!..."Holly" ...and the sexy looking "Candy"...are on duty on the weekends...Let's not have..any of those bloody "no name" reviews here!'s our duty as randy bloaks to review all the lovely birds!...only then!..can we know..of the unknown...unknown delights!...**$40** hour at present...Keep Calm and Carry On mates!...
This place got raided yesterday, it is right across from the westminister civic center. Saw it as I headed home from work...